Wednesday, March 9, 2022

March 8 Sick Buddies

Tuesday:  All of us today were in some stage of this head cold/flu thing. Aidan was mostly on the mend--a little bit tired (see his eyes?) and less energetic--but at least he was not miserable. I guess Brendan was sick all last week (just like I was!) and was feeling improved today--but he, too, moved slower than usual and was very low-key.

We used our magnetic toys on my front door today ... it was fun! Aidan had a whole bunch of stuff going on with the combination of magnetic animals, bricks, people, etc. He was very pleased.
This little doll (Erin) was in the beginning stages of sickness ... but I actually watched her TANK as the day went on ... she was so miserable with coughing and dripping from her nose and eyes ... poor dear!

We did all of our usual stuff today, just a little slower. Aidan worked on a few "literary projects", Erin did some coloring, Brendan did a LOT of reading.

Brendan and I also played our first game of "Sleeping Queens"--wish I had snapped a picture of us playing. The two littles sat on either side of us taking in the whole game. They were so sweet as they watched, and got such a bang out of the names of the queens and the kings. Brendan and I played TWO games, both of which Brendan won.
We worked on a few puzzles, ate lots of snacks, watched two quiet videos--"Stick Man" and "The Snowman", both on Amazon. These two 1/2 hour videos came at the end of our day ... both Aidan and Erin nearly fell asleep while watching. 

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