Saturday, March 19, 2022

March 18 A switcheroo

Friday:  I was asked to switch our Tuesday to a Friday this week with Dylan and Kelly's little ones. SO today was the day! We had a very fun few hours together.

We do a LOT of reading together and we read such great books today. Our favorite one was: "This is a Ball!" by Beck & Matt Stanton. We also read: "Do Not Open this Book!" by Michaela Muntean; "If the S in MOOSE Comes Loose!" by Peter Hermann; "The Dinky Donkey" by Craig Smith; and "Forty Winks" by Kelly DePucchio. 

We also MADE a lot of books today. Aidan made one that was kind of a twist on "This is a Ball" only he titled his, "This is a Block" and did a good job of making a silly story. Erin and I worked on another little book about Paco and Ramone and their friend, Bunny. Bunny wanted to go to the toy store, but Ramone said it was Saturday and so he couldn't go (the only day Ramone works--he is an editor downtown and works hard at his computer). So only Paco and Bunny went to the toy store. 

I took very few pictures today because I completely forgot ... so I just snapped a few while they were eating a snack of sweet cereal and milk ...
I totally have Brendan out of focus here ... but it is the only picture I snapped of him all day!

Our five hours almost flew by today. Brendan read a LOT of library books. We drew a LOT of pictures. So thankful for a good day.

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