Sunday, November 6, 2022

November 4 The General Store

Friday:  On the way back to Margaret's condo, we stopped in at the Old Mission General Store. I snapped a few pictures of it because it was just SO vintage ...

There is a small cafe on one side of the store--we could smell pizza cooking as well as fresh bread. 

The couple that run this place are super pleasant to talk to. They had all kinds of stories to tell about this little store over the years.

I didn't have a dime on me--because I just brought my camera--I didn't know we would be doing any shopping! Some of the girls DID have their cash on hand--so at least we didn't just browse around and leave without purchasing anything.
Had I the opportunity, I would have snapped hundreds of pictures of the grape vines (I had no idea that grape vine leaves TURN COLOR along with the trees--they are SO beautiful), all of the farms and red barns, and other really pretty places. Perhaps I will return at another time when I can actually do that.

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