Friday, January 8, 2021

January 8 A few winter pictures

Friday:  I finished doing most of the odds and ends I had committed to doing today by about 3:00 in the afternoon. The sun had been shining all morning and I finally decided to just go outside and enjoy it for a little bit, even though I don't like the cold. There is something about snow, sunshine, sparkle, shadows, etc. that really make for pretty pictures. So me and my camera went for a walk out in Rockford.

I'll just run these photos without much comment. They actually turned out better than I had hoped.

One of the reasons that I ended up NOT walking much of a distance out there was because the snow was so packed, it had turned icy on the walks and it was intermittently very slippery. I often had to scoot off the path and walk in the deeper snow so that I wouldn't fall.

Below is one of my favorite pictures of the afternoon ... 

For some reason, I really like this one (below) ...

There are fire pits situated all over the town of Rockford with small groups of people warming their hands and drinking hot chocolate ... nice.

Thankful for this restful and very beautiful day!

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