Saturday, February 26, 2022

February 26 Last winter soccer game

Saturday:  10am at Stoney Creek on a Saturday morning ... the last game of the season. This has been great for Kaity. She has a lot of physical energy and she has friends here to play with. She and Kenzie often get to be on the same team--not always, but mostly. You would think that after SIX Saturdays, I would get better with indoor action photos ... but alas ... I have not. I think today I took some of the worst pictures in my history. Anyway, I'll post the ones that are acceptable ...

I've got to say that these volunteer "coaches" have done an incredible job with the kiddos. They are super instructional, helpful, kind and positive.

Kaity ALMOST scored a goal here, but the goalie threw a nice block and thwarted Kaity's efforts.

At the end of the game, all of the kids gathered for a group picture. These are the same kids who played every week and who went on what team was decided on the spot. 

Good job, Kaity-Girl! 
Here is Kaity, after jumping up and stealing Jesse's Veteran's hat ... which she said "smelled" and Jesse agreed to wash it ...
Diana had this shirt made especially for Kaity. Nice.

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