Wednesday, July 6, 2022

July 1 Jesse's party for Kaity

Friday Night:  Since Kaity had already had a big party at her mom's house two weeks ago, this was just going to be a casual and smaller party for her. It's not every day a person turns TEN, so we did fuss over her a bit. Here is the bouncy-house Jesse rented for the party.

It's a very NICE place to jump around inside!

Dylan, Kelly, and the kiddos came to the party. Here is little Cal trying to figure out what he was supposed to do next ... for some reason, he refused to enter the bounce house.
But he posed quite nicely for his pictures, didn't he? He kills me.
Kaity finally convinced him to crawl inside (I think she pushed his little rear end right in the door!).
But Cal wasn't a fan of all that bouncing, so he came out quite quickly.

He much preferred to play with Kaity's play kitchen underneath her loft bed.
Here is the rather unusual looking birthday cake I picked up for Kaity over at Sam's Club. It was amazingly delicious--similar to being as good as the cakes Kelly gets from Costco!
It was the perfect size for her party friends ...

Callaghan TRULY enjoyed his piece of cake ... can you tell? The only reason his little face has this expression on it is that he sees his mama getting the wet wipes out in order to clean him up. He hates getting his face cleaned up with wet wipes ... but most children do!
Look at Erin's face in the background ...
Before eating the cake, Jesse also served grilled burgers and hotdogs, chips and juice boxes for the kiddos--it was super nice. And then it was back outside--more jumping!

Yikes, Kaity! She has a way of super photo bombing a picture, doesn't she?

It was beginning to get late, so we convinced Kaity to open her gift from her cousins ...

Erin was super excited because she help pick out the gift at the store. It was a plaster unicorn/painting art kit. ALL of the kiddos expected that Kaity was going to pull it out and start painting ... immediately! However, Kaity wanted to go back outside and jump some more ...

Aidan was absolutely positive that it would be more fun to watch Kaity paint and was rather heart-broken when it was time to leave and her unicorn remained in the box. Ah ... life is so tough at times! 

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