Wednesday, July 6, 2022

June 28 At My House

Tuesday:  I only had TWO littles today. Brendan was off for a week (days only) of SLIME CAMP, so it was just Erin and Aidan today. We had a lot of fun, but we surely missed Brendan.

Before we "landed" at my house we played briefly at Grand Rapids Township Park. These few pictures were taken on my phone and I almost forgot about them!

After our playground time, we drove to my house and arrived just after NOON. Erin and I were hungry, so we ate lunch. Aidan? Well ... he finally ate 1/3 of an apple before having his Goldfish crackers.

Little Miss Erin makes herself right at home ... and is not bothered about where she sits.
Erin and I were talking about the possibility of her beginning ballet classes. Immediately Aidan boasted that he could ALREADY do ballet and promptly demonstrated a pirouette!

Erin was UNimpressed and continued right on with her cooking project.

Erin loves the soft round chair that is in my bedroom. She makes herself quite comfortable on it. Isn't she something?

NOTE:  This is the first blog post I have tried since my IMAC "blew up" and I am now working on a "new" computer that I know absolutely NOTHING about without my cherished PhotoScapeX software to edit pictures. I feel like I have lost an ARM.

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