Saturday, July 30, 2022

July 28 Laughing with Kaity-Girl

Thursday:  I picked Kaity up from Jesse at the usual time today, not having a clue what Kaity and I were going to do with our time together. Kaity sometimes solves the question for me with good suggestions of her own. I thought we might venture over to Versluis Park today for a little while, but Kaity informed me that she "could not swim this week" due to a rather grown-up womanly issue. SO ... no swimming for us today!

We ended up just hanging out at my house. We were quite happy to rent a movie from Prime, pop some popcorn and just enjoy. We watched Jurassic Park III. Why you might ask?!?!? Well, it turns out that Kaity gets a real BANG out of my screaming and covering my face in horror when someone is being eaten by a dinosaur. Sigh. I'm such a chicken. Anyway, we laughed a lot. I screamed in all of the expected places and Kaity cracked up.

I didn't take many pictures ... but I do have a few of Kaity playing with Sweetie-Pie:

Kaity wanted to see if Sweetie Pie would fit on her KNEE (of all things) ... and HE DID!

But then she had a difficult time getting him OFF her knee ...
We also played with my bin full of paper airplanes and folded a few new ones.
Look at Kaity's dear face. I just love her so much. What a blessing to be her grandma!

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