Saturday: The reason I did not post a Thursday event with Kaity-Girl is because she was at camp ALL WEEK; from Sunday through Friday! When I asked her about the camp last week, just before she left, she told me this was a different camp from the one she and Kenzie had gone to last year. I was sad to hear it because last year's camp was a "church" camp where Kaity learned a bunch of good praise songs and heard Bible stories. I was hoping she and Kenzie would go back there this summer! And it turns out that they DID! Kaity was mistaken about going to a different camp. They returned to Camp Greenwood and plan to go every summer for the rest of their youth! YES! Kaity learned the song: "Days of Elijah" and another one called "Lighthouse" (new to me). She told me all about her week. It sounded amazing. She said she didn't even miss her phone (they were not allowed electronics at the camp).
I picked Kaity up from Jesse today at 3:00. She looked like she was still tired from her busy camp week. We decided to lay low at my house. It was still quite uncomfortably hot here, so we were just going to play quiet games, etc. But then ... we got a
S U R P R I S E!
There was a knock on my screen door and it was CHRIS! He leaves for Olivet College just a few short weeks from how (on a football scholarship) and said he came by just to hang out with me for awhile. He probably hasn't the first CLUE how much seeing him today meant to me ... I hardly get to see Chris at all anymore now that he is grown up.
We played a few games of "WAR" ... yes, the card game by that name. I taught them this game when they lived in El Paso all of those years ago. We also played three games of "LIAR LIAR" which I really LOVE to play with the kids. It's so much fun. It was super nice to just sit at the same table with my oldest grandson and his two dear sisters and just ... hang out.
You might ask: "Where was Matt?" Good question! I missed him! I am not sure what his plans were yesterday. Evidently Chris had a list of errands he was running (visiting me was on the list ... but so were his other grandparents). Perhaps Matt was otherwise occupied. I miss seeing Matt!
Having Chris spontaneously stop by was at the tippy-top of the nicest things of my day yesterday. Love you to pieces, Chris!
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