Saturday: When I picked KT up from Diana Saturday afternoon, I had ONE goal in mind: shop and purchase a wedding gift for Miss Jen (she's getting married in ONE week!). I figured Kaity would be on board with the plan--and she was!
We drove over to Baker Book House because they have a very nice gift section with lots of Scripture-based artwork, etc. But we didn't find a single thing that we liked. Not even one!
SO ... since we were so near Woodland Mall, I figured we could go to that one store (I can never remember the name) that has so many beautiful things inside and see if something called out to us to buy--but once again, ZERO. At that point, Kaity was beginning to find all sorts of stuff that she thought were beautiful FOR HER ... I knew it was time to get out of shopping mode, return to our car and drive back to the relative safety of the Beach House.
I had prepared spaghetti and meatballs ahead of time, the sauce was simmering in the slow cooker--all I had to do was to cook the pasta and our dinner would be ready. We enjoyed a very nice meal together.
Kaity asked if we could play UNO but ... with a friend on-line. None of that made sense to me (the on-line stuff) and it was too complicated for me--so we settled on just doing UNO our regular way.
We had THREE of the fastest UNO games we have ever played--and Kaity won every single one of them!I challenged her to one more game, and then I FINALLY WON. Meanwhile, Belle (i.e. Trudy McFruity) was running her usual interference and had to be put in her place. By the way, LOOK at what Miss Clawsie-Pants has done to my couch!!!!! Sigh.
It was nice just to hang out with Kaity for a few hours. She is such a precious person. I love her so much.
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