Monday, August 12, 2024

August 10 with KT

Saturday:  I picked Kaity up from her mom today at 3:30. We had to do an errand over at Menard's to replace my piano light on the way to my house. We did that without any problems whatsoever--AND I managed NOT to lock my keys in the car this time.

I am still not 100% health-wise, so we didn't have any big plans today. I showed her ALL of the 100+ pictures from Deer Park that I had edited with my computer photo program. She liked them very much!

We did play a couple games of UNO, both of which Kaity won. We ate a decent dinner and had such a nice time talking and laughing together.

We left my house a little earlier than usual to jump at Altitude tonight. None of Kaity's chums were there, but she showed me a few new "tricks" she has been working on. Kaity has a lot of athletic ability born right into her skin. I love watching her be physically strong--because God made her that way--and she seems happiest when she is active like this.

We didn't really meet any new friends tonight; but I got a small kick-in-the-rear from the Lord. You see, I noticed a girl who was sitting down by the big trampolines (her back was to me, so I had no idea how old she was)--she had a Barbie doll with her and she was pretending that Barbie was jumping up and down on the trampoline, doing flips, etc. This girl was super INTO it. It was very odd to watch, and for some reason it struck me funny. I caught Kaity's "eye" across the room and nodded in the direction of the girl pretending with her Barbie, and then Kaity and I both cracked up. I am pretty sure no one saw us cracking up ... but then it happened. The girl with the Barbie (whose name we found out is EVA) stood up and turned around. When she did that, I could easily see that she was at least 13, was taller than Kaity and was mentally deficient--you could see it by the expression on her face. And I had LAUGHED at her! YOW. I sure felt ashamed of myself and I called Kaity over to try to explain. I'm not quite sure Kaity understood the gravity of laughing at a mentally deficient person, so I tried to explain. Anyway, when our time was up at Altitude, we ended up leaving at about the same time as Eva and her mother. I did quietly tell her mom that she had a beautiful daughter--which somehow made me feel better about myself. But she truly WAS beautiful when I understood that her mind was not "normal" and that she was just a little child inside.

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