Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 8 Deer Track Junction (DTJ) Part One

Thursday:  Two weeks ago, Kaity and I had talked over the possibility of going to Deer Track Junction and inviting her good friend, Gabe, to enjoy that time with us. Kaity was working on the details when I got super sick and had to cancel my entire life (practically) until finally I am able to function almost normally, though on a limited time schedule.

SO ... Jesse dropped Kaity and Gabe to me at 3pm and we drove out to DTJ in Greenville--about a 15 minute drive from my house. Gabe had never been out there before and we tried to describe it to him; but sometimes words just can't suffice! 

In chronicling our visit out there, I am going to give every detail I can remember. Truly, this was the BEST three hours I have experienced in quite awhile, and I don't want to forget anything about it!

The main building at Deer Tracks (where you purchase your tickets, etc.) is a rustic, log-cabin type of "house" where inside there are REAL dead animals, stuffed and mounted here and there. It's very cool. There is also a fake JAIL with "Wanted" posters hanging, a sheriff's desk, etc. We arrested Gabe for armed robbery and threw him in the "klink". He immediately hit the floor doing push-ups to show us he was NOT at all bothered by being incarcerated. We told him he could call his lawyer and that anything he said "could be used against him in a court of law", at which time he stood to his feet and attempted a break out. Kaity, the dutiful deputy sheriff, kept our prisoner contained--although it was a struggle!

We bought our tickets to the walk-through park (not the safari), looked at the gift shop briefly ...

... and then I asked Kaity to show Gabe the prairie dog habitat. We had tried to explain to Gabe about the underground tunnels while we were driving out here; but it's almost impossible to really tell someone what they are like! Here is Kaity showing Gabe the first tunnel they came to ...
At first, Gabe doesn't "get it" ...
... but THEN (look at his face) he did understand and the two of them scrambled down this one ...

... and popped up inside the habitat! I had so much fun watching these two play in here. I was cracking up so hard I could hardly take pictures.

I love these pictures so much ... my heart still almost bursts with the JOY of this!

Look at the cute little prairie dog watching Gabe and Kaity ... 

We left this little area and went on to the next ...

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