Monday, August 26, 2024

August 24 with KT

SATURDAY:  Kaity and I had nothing very special planned for our time together today, but we enjoyed it nonetheless! I always enjoy being with Kaity. She is not a difficult person to hang out with!

We ate our dinner:  Kaity ate the leftover chicken and rice, and I fried two eggs on toast for myself. Quick and easy. I asked Kaity if she wanted to play UNO, but she announced she wished to play "Sleeping Queens" instead. Yay. It's been a super long time since we played this game!

We played five rounds of this game. Four went to Kaity. I only won ONE game! I'm going to have to remember to play this game with Dylan and Kelly's little crew--I think they would like it very much.

Kaity also looked through her "art folder" that I still have in my art cupboard. We had fun looking back on her art work and early penmanship attempts. We also found some origami hearts and Kaity asked if we could make some more; so we did! I had to bring up the instructions on Youtube; but then we managed to follow them and do pretty good with it too.

Afterwards, we drove over to Altitude. I did NOT jump at all tonight. I don't want to take any chances whatsoever of injury since my brother David and his wife Carol are coming in less than one week. No way do I want to be limping around when we want to be ACTIVE. I just watched Kaity do her jumping and flips, etc. Our friend Alex showed up about halfway through Kaity's hour of jumping. They hung around for the next 30 minutes doing what they usually do--roughhouse, etc. Alex's little brother, Isaac, was jumping too. Isaac is about six years old and has the shrillest shriek I have ever heard. He practices to make it as shrill as possible too. Yikes. He is a cute kid, though, and I was glad Kaity had a few friends to play with tonight. 

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