Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 15 with KT

Thursday:  It was nearly 4:00 before I picked KT up from her dad today. Evidently the meds I am on cause a lot of extra sleepiness. Anyway, I felt a definite and strong urge to take a nap right around 2:30 today--and I'm glad I did because I felt so much better afterward.

Jesse has now been named the acting coordinator of the Veteran's Day Parade in downtown Grand Rapids. He was telling me all about it and showing me the fliers that have been printed for the occasion. Good work, Jesse!

Kaity and I drove over to Meijer on the way to my house because both of us needed to buy gifts for the birthday party tomorrow night--Kenzie turns 13! The very same day Emma turns 22!!! It wasn't too difficult to pick out a few gifts for Kenzie, and Kaity even picked up a gift for Emma while we were at it.

We ate our usual hotdog meal at my house and today we did not play a single game of UNO. We DID got to Altitude, though, a little earlier than usual.

For some reason, the last few weeks we've been at Altitude, I've had an almost overwhelming desire to JUMP on the trampolines! I used to jump when I was in high school (gym class only), and they taught us good technique, etc. I remember how fun it felt to be flying high in the air! I watch these kids having a blast every single week! I feel left out! So, I got to thinking ... what if I asked my doctor when I see him in mid-September if it would be okay for me to get a membership at Altitude and just jump little jumps? It's not like I want to jump over the moon or anything. I just want to be able to do controlled jumps. Wouldn't it be good exercise for me? 

I never should have said a word to Kaity about this--but I did--and she went into hysterics--laughing so hilariously that I could not help but completely crack up. She was in absolute MOCKING mode, told me I would wound myself irreparably, LOOK like a complete idiot, with tragical results. I persisted in stating that I was "going to learn to jump" and join right in with her some week when she least expects it! That statement set her off once again to hysterical laughing--me too--several people were kind of watching us and began to laugh too (probably because they were enjoying our cackles). 

I told you all of this just to say: It sure was a lovely thing to crack up with Kaity tonight. I love her to pieces.

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