Friday, August 9, 2024

August 7 I had a dream . . .

Wednesday:  In the middle of the night (Monday) I had such a vivid dream. My dreams are rarely remarkable--I hardly ever remember them. But this one was different, one of the best dreams I have ever had. 

I have been working on a birthday card for my son. Today is his birthday. Perhaps children don't understand this, but THEIR birthdays are always held in high regard by their moms. You tend to replay his birthing experience, and then the joy of holding that sweet-smelling miracle from God in your arms for the first time. 

I make him a card for his birthday every year, but it's difficult to know what to say inside the card because we don't talk very much to each other. That's a long story, very private, and also heartbreaking. Anyway, I'll show you the card:

I told him about my dream in his card--just briefly--because that's all I can remember about it anyway EXCEPT I felt a deep down JOY that I haven't had in a really long time when I woke up and remembered it. I like remembering my dream because re-living it makes me feel close to him, even when I'm not. I tried to deliver this card to him today--but he wasn't going to be home, so I will have to get it to him another time.

Some day, God has promised to wipe every tear from our eyes. He says there will be NO MORE sorrow or grief or sin or hurt or misunderstanding or confusion ... just pure JOY with Jesus, who will renew us and restore us and wash us and LIVE AMONG US, nice and close. 

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