Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 17 KT and a Rainbow!

Saturday:  Have I ever remarked about how nice it is to have Kaity come to my house TWO times every single week? Have I told you about how easy she is to be with? How fun it is to have her here? How "chummy" she is, even with her old grandma? Well--if not, consider it done! 

It's not that we do anything so completely special together ... it's just that Kaity hangs out here, relaxes, plays games on her phone, watches short videos (that she shares with me), we play UNO--which we did this afternoon and Kaity beat me 2 games to my 1 game. We have a lot of fun playing a simple game like UNO. Kaity is competitive, but she isn't a sore loser (she wins more than she loses anyway!). You can play "mean" with her in a game of UNO without being accused that you are MEAN--you are just playing the game to win it! 

We drove over to Altitude and arrived at about 6:30. I even brought a pair of Altitude socks so that I could "test" out the trampolines a little bit, if I was brave enough, that is. Kaity urged me on a bit, and this is actually ALL I did: I "bounced" on the firmer trampolines (I hardly left the ground)--so I would bounce three times, and then come to a stop. Kaity approved it and urged me to try a few more things. I actually DID jump a few times, but never more than 2 in succession. Kaity's favorite trampolines are the yellow ones--there are four of them in a corner area surrounded by ledges. These trampolines are much bouncier than the harder ones, so I had to be real careful. I sat on them for awhile and bounced while sitting--just to see how difficult it is to actually get OFF the ground while seated--it's difficult!!! I never did succeed. I just "worked out" a bit and tried to get used to the different "feel" of each trampoline. Kaity mocked me a little bit, but she did okay--she was watching out for me, and I didn't want to give her any cause for worry.
While driving Kaity back over to Jesse's, Kaity pointed out a rainbow--big and bright and beautiful. We were driving on Lamoreaux at the time and trees kept blocking it from our view. After I dropped Kaity off, I prayed that the rainbow would stay visible until I got to a more scenic place where I could take a decent picture of it.
I knew if I could just make it to Northland and Cannonsburg, I'd have a good chance to see it ...

The clouds were AMAZING too ... look at this sight!!! 
Thank you, Lord, for sharing a rainbow with me. I am always reminded of Your faithfulness, Your promises, Your oath that binds You to never again destroy the earth by water. 
I was trying to find the best Biblical passage EVER to put on this photo--and the ones in Genesis ARE very nice; but I've just finished reading the book of Ezekiel. He describes a vision where he saw something that looked like a throne made of blue sapphire and high above this throne was a "figure whose appearance was like that of a man. From his waist up, he looked like gleaming amber, flickering like a fire. And from his waist down, he looked like a burning flame, shining with splendor. All around him was a glowing halo, LIKE A RAINBOW, shining through the clouds. This was the way the glory of the LORD appeared to me. When I saw it, I fell face down in the dust, and I heard someone's voice speaking to me." (Ezekiel 1.26-28 NLT). In the book of Revelation, I've also read about a rainbow that surrounds God's throne--I can't wait to see it some day! 

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