Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 14 These Four Kiddos

Wednesday:  I picked the grands up from Kelly today (over at her office) shortly after noon and we drove right over to my place to play. I had missed the prior two Wednesdays due to being too sick to function. I am so thankful to be better enough to at least do the minimal stuff that life requires.

I didn't take many pictures today because we were just too busy for me to think of that. Aidan requested that I get out my "space" LEGOs, so I did--and I told him that most of these "space" LEGOs used to belong to his dad! Aidan was very impressed that I still had them! 

The kids all had fun making spaceships--Erin was a little put-out that there were NO female astronauts; but I had forgotten about a special bin of LEGO people that I had high up on a shelf. We didn't find any girl astronauts, but we did find enough girl LEGOs to satisfy little Erin's heart.
These kiddos played a solid hour with these LEGOs--how wonderful! How good for their imaginations and creativity! 
Even little Cal was super into designing his own spaceship--he did a very good job at it too!

It was kind of a warm day inside of my house, so I was glad the kids just sat and played for this long!

Brendan did a little bit of building too; but mostly he drew some interesting pictures and checked out a few books. I'm so thankful I have interesting stuff around here for kids to play with.

We had such a nice time today! We did finish watching the "Minion" movie we had started 3 weeks ago; but mostly, we had NO videos or electronics going on at all.

We drove back to their house by about 4:30 and it was decided that since we had done SO well NOT watching videos at my house, that they could watch a 35-minute video about trains and PACO the pig was in the video! They didn't call him PACO, but that's okay--because it was really PACO!

Kelly came home at 5:15 and I left to come back to my house shortly thereafter. I still don't have a very high energy level; so I came home, cleaned up the house and went to bed early--but it sure was nice to see the kiddos once again and be able to have them over. Thank you, Lord.

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