Monday, August 12, 2024

August 12 TREASURE

Monday:  I had the nicest kind of surprise once again (!!) this morning when I received a text from Chris wondering if it would be OK for him to stop by sometime today since he is leaving town tomorrow to return to college.  


It's difficult to describe this to anyone who is NOT a grandma or grandparent ... but no matter how many years go by, no matter how "grown up" grandchildren become, no matter if you only see them a few times each year, there is NO ONE in the world--not one single person--you would rather spend time with than them. To have Chris initiate this without any prompting from me is beyond ... amazing. 

Here's the thing: not all people are alike--not even close--so it's not always easy to "connect" with each and every grandchild in exactly the same way. And the years fly by so quickly--and people change--they DO! 

One of my favorite things about Chris is that he is honest and genuine. He tells me what is going on in his head, and I really appreciate that. He is also quite a confident person and has always demonstrated a strong personality ... AND he generally likes people -- not all of them -- but he is pretty good about making "allowances" and being decent to people even when they are difficult to be with. 

There is no putting into words what it means that Chris took the time to drive out here today, on his last day in town for awhile, just to "catch up" with me. What a gift this was to me--better than anything else!

Some favorite pictures of Chris from long ago ... I love these photos so much.

This is a more recent picture of Chris, from about a year ago. I totally MEANT to take a picture of him today when he was sitting at my table eating watermelon and fruit dip ... but I didn't! I completely forgot because I was listening to all of the interesting things going on in his life. I learned stuff about you, today, Chris! I like it when that happens. 

This last picture is from last Christmas when all of the kiddos came over to have a game/gift night--that is a nice memory too. 

I double-checked what Chris's major is--let me see if I can get this correct: hmmm ... not physical therapy, but ... something to do with physical training, athletic training--I'm close, but I can't think of the exact word for it. It sounds like this year will be one of the most challenging academically. Football training is intense and pretty much year-round. He has done a good job with all of this and I am very proud of him.

I will continue to pray for this my oldest grandson (he will be 21 in November!). When "home" here in Grand Rapids, he and Ella attend a Bible-teaching/believing church in Rockford (CityChurch) regularly. I see Chris growing in his faith and trust in the Lord and it brings me the most joy of anything else. Because nothing else truly matters. We only live one time: 30, 40, 70 ... even 80 years ... and then if we belong to Jesus, have made Him Lord and Savior of our heart and lives, then ... forever begins ... living in a NEW world that God is preparing for us to enjoy. 

Please continue to teach Chris Your ways, Lord. Give Chris a heart to know You and follow You no matter what. Surround him with Christians who will enrich his walk with You and encourage his growth in Your grace.

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