Friday, August 23, 2024

August 21 Cal at Deer Tracks

Wednesday:  A few weeks ago, I was showing the kids pictures of the time I took Erin to Deer Tracks Junction for her birthday treat. Cal was super interested in the pictures and told me he wanted to go there too. I told Cal that once the older kids returned to school, he and I would go together and have a blast. Today was that day!

I'm going to do this post in two parts--we'll begin with the corn/grain bin play place:

In these pictures, Cal reminds me so much of Brendan at this age--his intensity, his imagination, his long attention span, his great facial expressions, etc.

Look at this little cutie! He had such a great time in this corn bin. I was in it too! However, I found that once I sat down, I SANK down about 10" and I found it difficult to get myself back OUT--I worked on it subtly so as not to alarm anyone around me (I finally maneuvered my way out).
Look how much fun our little construction site manager is having ...
At one point, Cal was taking handfuls of corn and raising his hands up to about his face level and then letting the corn fall. He explained to me that he was demonstrating a volcano erupting ...! You have the cutest little face. Oh my.

Cal decidedly liked bouncing on this little horse. I'm so glad. It fit him perfectly.

After we left the corn bin, we walked out of the 90-acre wood and found these cute goats ...
See how Cal cracked up with the way they put their heads through the openings and gobbled up the carrots?

He cracked up! I love watching him crack up.
We walked over to the bunny pavilion; but Cal was NOT interested in having a bunny on his lap ... so he petted them by stretching out his arms to feel their softness.
The bunnies are up on a little platform on which there is a bottle of ice water for them to snuggle with.

Next, we walked over to where the pigs were. We met three little pigs who were very interested in Cal. They followed him everywhere. Somehow I missed snapping any pictures of that--Cal was laughing so hard! It was pretty cute, I assure you.

Cal played awhile in this giant sandbox area ...

AND Cal climbed about 25 steps up, up, up, to this slide and came down, down, down all by himself! He was super pleased.
Cal also liked the miniature house. He told me there were very "cool" toys up in the loft.

We fed a whole bunch of animals until we finally ran out of carrots!
Here is Cal riding their fake triceratops ...
On our way back to my house, I asked Cal about which animals was his favorite. He took a little while to answer, but then told me it was the "BIRDS!" because "they were super funny!"

The next post is all of Cal and the Budgie birds! He was so darling with them. I wish I could print every one of these--so cute.

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