Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 8 DJT Part Three


On our way out of the Corn Bin, I pointed out the Black Bear Overview and Bridge--Gabe took off for it running like the wind. Meanwhile, Kaity attempted to catch up to him only to find him coming back to us before she could even get to him! There really isn't that much to see on top of the bridge--other than a few bear below and some deer, etc. SO ... I didn't walk over there with them--besides, Kaity had to use the restroom and Gabe had spotted the Giant Mine Play Area and was ... GONE!

Meanwhile, I just rested on an upper level of this cool mine play area and watched the camels for a bit. I had hoped we would feed the camels; but by the time we were walking by them, they had gone to another spot in their area and laid down for a rest. We couldn't coax them over to us for anything.

However, Kaity and I remembered the revolving tube just at the back side of the Mine play area. I KNEW they would have a blast in it ...

I actually used to play on this in my younger days (i.e. prior to 2020!). Watching Gabe and Kaity freak each other out on this thing was so funny.

Isn't Gabe such a handsome fellow? His smile is SO great!

Look at Kaity's face (below)--her EYES! She was a tiny bit afraid of them losing control of this crazy tube and them smashing their bodies everywhere ...

For some reason, this "set" of pictures loaded in the opposite order they were supposed to. I guess it doesn't really matter. Below is Gabe at the very top of the Mine play area--he climbed it faster than a monkey. Kaity used to do this too--but Gabe was SO fast that she didn't even try to catch up with him!

Deer Tracks Junction has been around for a lot of years. When you go to their website, they boast being a "Family Owned and operated Agri-Tourism Business", Cedar Springs, Michigan. 

I found the saddest story as I was looking up "facts" about this lovely place. In April 2024, before the park opened for this season, the family who owns the land and business were doing some maintenance work at the park. The father (Kelly) and his son (Tyler--about age 27) were in the giraffe enclosure and Tyler was up on a ladder hanging a sign. Evidently, the giraffe walked by and accidentally knocked the ladder over, sending Tyler in a free fall, landing on cement where he sustained a serious brain injury. He died three weeks later. The family posted that they were thankful their son had "passed into glory" and was with the Lord. My heart aches for them!

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