Sunday, January 16, 2022

January 15 Sledding with Kaity

Saturday:  Emma found out on Thursday that she would have to work Saturday--rather last-minute of her company's management--but what can you do? At least, they agreed to running two shifts and allowed her shift to run from 1:30 until 10PM. I dropped Emma off at work and then ran errands until I picked Kaity up at 3:00. 

Thankfully, I thought ahead and brought the sleds with me and extra hats and gloves as well because as soon as Kaity came to the door she asked if she could go sledding. Yes! I love being able to facilitate Kaity enjoying the outdoors. We actually got quite a bonus with going over to the hill this afternoon. At the church (Maranatha Bible), they were having a "snow retreat"--the hill is directly behind the church--and one of her friends from Awana was there. They chummed around together for 90 minutes before the sun went down and we went home. Kaity and her friend had so much fun together. I mostly stayed in the warm car and watched them. I was able to get a few pictures, and Kaity was willing to have me take them, so I did. Here they are!

We were the first ones on the hill--Kaity had it all to herself. She had so much fun!

But I was VERY glad when all of these children showed up to sled too. Kaity's friend, Emily, ran up to her and gave her a BIG hug. They hung out for the next hour or so. I loved watching them.

Here are Kaity and Emily!

It was even colder this afternoon than it was last Saturday--but Kaity wasn't a single bit bothered by it. Thankfully, I had lots of extra gloves for her to switch out when a pair became too wet. I also finally coaxed her into wearing a stocking cap over her ears. It was only 21 degrees! Look at her beautiful, happy smiles in these picures. 

Afterwards, we went over to my house to eat some dinner and play a few games. I had picked up a "pop-it" game at a thrift store yesterday, so Kaity and I played three games of that before she decided to drag her phone out. I fixed us something to eat while Kaity played games. We had a very nice time together today--thank you, Lord.

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