Friday, January 28, 2022

January 27 Kaity and ... car searching

Thursday:  Sigh. We have been looking for a replacement vehicle for Emma now for three weeks. There are cars out there ... but getting someone to help us inspect one and ask the right questions, etc. has been difficult to find. I finally appealed quite desperately to Jesse--who is completely knowledgeable about vehicles. Jesse stepped to the plate today! He and I looked on-line (via Marketplace) and spent two hours separately and two hours together going through the potential vehicle candidates!

BUT ... it was Kaity's day to play with me ... so Jesse and I took a break and I took Kaity sledding on the hill. It was already nearing dark. Kaity had the hill to herself. It was COLD, but not windy. Unfortunately, the only sled I had in my car was the blue roll-up mat and it doesn't go very fast. However, Kaity used it satisfactorily for about 30 minutes ...

And then we came to my house to eat together and play for a little while. We even read two books! Kaity read to her new stuffed animal, Kiki, "The Three Little Kittens" and then we also read Oscar's story (Oscar is our new sea otter hand puppet), "The Sinking of Captain Otter". Kaity did a really nice job reading these books out loud. I am super proud of her--her reading has really come along this year. Yes! 

We also played the pop-up game for a little while and just goofed off. I returned Kaity to Diana just after 8pm and returned to Jesse's to continue our car search. We had a lot of cars to look at and it was so much fun listening to Jesse as he checked picture after picture and pointed out good and bad features to me. Tomorrow, we are hopefully going to go and test drive a few of these cars ...

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