Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3 Meet Babette

Monday:  A few weeks ago I was at my friend, Julie's, for a wonderful Italian dinner and a walk out in her beautiful gardens. I took a ton of photos that day--but the one thing that stood out to me most of all was an adorable little statue Julie put in her back yard in the middle of some beautiful foilage. I made Julie a thank you card, featuring this darling statue and when she received my card, she messaged me some information about the statue.

Here it is at Julie's house:

This statue is titled: "Basking in His Glory!" Isn't that a PERFECT title for this precious little girl? Once I read more about it, I just knew I would order one for my very tiny garden in front of my house. So I did! It came today, and I love her and have named her "Babette." 

Psalm 111.2-3: "How amazing are the deeds of the LORD! All who delight in Him should ponder them. Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty." 

I phoned Julie this morning and asked if I could stop by and take a few of her discarded plants. She has been saving them for me and was glad that I could get them today. She gave me quite a few ground covering plants, as well as a few perennials that she thought might work in front of my house.

I found the perfect place to put Babette! She can help my rocks cry out praises to the Lord, don't you think? I smile every time I look at her.

I am so thankful today for all that God has made. So thankful that He cares about each of us, that He sees us where we are, and that He loves us. What an awesome God we have.

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