Tuesday, September 3, 2024

August 31 Sleeping Bear Dunes

Saturday:  We had a 2-1/2 hour drive from Indian Lake over to Sleeping Bear Dunes. It's been a very long time since I've been in this area of Michigan--and never have taken pictures from the top of the dunes. I took so many pictures! 

Our main destination in actuality was the Pierce-Stocking Scenic drive. We had no intention whatsoever of "running" down the dunes (or anywhere for that matter). What we were seeking was a good view! Here is one of the stops we made: the covered bridge.

As covered bridges go, this one really has nothing to brag about--it would have been one thing if it was crossing a scenic river OR if it was longer than the little tiny bridge you see here! I walked around it to see if I could get below it to find anything interesting ... but I could only get so far without getting myself into trouble (poison ivy, etc.), so I gave up!

The stop we made was at a scenic overlook: there are two lakes in this picture--the closest is Glen Lake and the one behind it is Big Glen Lake.
Glenn Lake is super shallow ... can you see the light blue? It was maybe knee deep all along the outer edges of this lake--when we got below and drove by this lake later on, people were walking out very far and still were only up to their waists. I love lakes like that!

Here are the bunch of us, minus me, at the same overlook.
We drove on a little further and then stopped at this overlook. It was super pretty up here.

See the little farm below? I would love to live there!

We finally were to the TOP of Sleeping Bear! The view was super beautiful. We had no intention of going to the bottom--it's a LONG way down! If you can't get back up from the bottom and have to be rescued, it will cost you a whopping $3K!
Lots of younger people went down to the bottom and back to the top without a problem! Terry has done this in his lifetime--but it was awhile ago.
Some of these pictures will make very nice future greeting cards!

This is the main lookout post from the top:
Here are a few pictures I took from that overlook:

I like these photos because I am pointing my camera NORTH where people are NOT ...
David requested to take my photo up here ... and I relented and allowed it.

And then we took a selfie or two! I love this brother of mine so much. It's difficult NOT to be happy when he is around--and Carol too--you just can't find sweeter people in all the world.

From Sleeping Bear, we drove around and shopped a little bit in Glen Arbor--but our next main destination was Point Betsie ...

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