Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 21 Dearest KT

Saturday:  Yes, yes, yes. I WAS a little bit "concerned" about spending time with Kaity today. What if it went like our time Thursday? She hardly said one word! She was totally out of it! You might ask: "What's that got to do with you?" While that IS a valid question, clearly you are not understanding the heart of a grandma.

Thankfully, Kaity was AWAKE today and more her "normal" self. YAY!

I picked her up over at Diana's, refusing to go further than the breezeway because Luna was barking SO loudly it scared me half to death. Thankfully, Kaity came out and didn't insist I come in to try to get "used" to their dog. Big dogs and me just don't mix very well. Especially LOUD, big dogs.

As we were driving to my house, Kaity told me she wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with her Thursday. She told me she'd had a really hard day at school (but would not give me details) and that she hadn't been sleeping well. But she told me this with a smile and then went on to talk as she usually does as we drove. SO ... I was relieved I would have my "normal" Kaity today.

When we got inside my place, Kaity announced that she wanted me to teach her how to play Chess! So I got out my Chess board and pieces--the one that has the board that marks where the pieces go and what they are called. I think Kaity was a bit surprised there were SO MANY DIFFERENT ways to move each piece. It kind of blew her away--not in a bad way--just in a way that I could tell she was NOT going to be asking to play Chess again for a very long time.

I love this picture of Kaity. It's so her!

We also played three games of "Pick-up-sticks". Kaity won 2 and I won just one. Kaity is very good at this game, which surprised the heck out of me--because in order to win the game, you have to be SO careful not to move the other sticks. It takes patience and tenacity, which I would not have believed Kaity possessed in such abundance until she played this game with me. I'm so glad we could do this today. I love interacting and laughing with Kaity so much.

We didn't go to Altitude tonight either. I didn't ask why. I have a feeling that perhaps Kaity is growing tired of jumping there. I hope she doesn't give it up, though. It's so good for her to be physically active.

I did have a rather big box delivered from UPS while Kaity was here today. My brother has been shipping me stuff for his much anticipated visit at the end of next week (things that will not fit in a carry-on suitcase). Anyway, Kaity was rather pleased with the big box, so she played with it awhile ...

Kaity asked me if I could "ship" her somewhere. I asked her where she would like to go, and she responded "Texas!" I told her under no circumstances whatsoever would I ever ship her to Texas! It's too far away! She specifically requested El Paso (1500+ miles from here), but when I told her how far away it was, she came up with other options: Florida, Tennessee, etc. We decided that Tennessee was about as far away as would be allowed ...
Kaity scrunched herself all up and squeezed into the box! She added a blanket, pillow, her phone (naturally) ... even PACO was included--and then requested that I close the box up.

I taped her up inside and she snapped a picture of herself INSIDE the box. Goodness. I told her I changed my mind and that she couldn't go to Tennessee either.
Kaity poked breathing holes, 8 on each side of the box, so she could get some air if needed. It was hilarious to watch her squeeze herself in the box--she is not a little kid anymore; but I love it when she plays like this. It's just so ... simple ... and wholesome ... and UNtechnical. Anyway, it sure was a nice time with Kaity today. I am so thankful for her--God, You are so good to me!

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