Sunday, September 22, 2024

September 20 Our 2nd Friday

Friday:  This is the second Friday that I've just had Cal over here to play. The other kiddos are back in school full time, so I don't see them until they get off their bus back at their house.

Here are just a few pictures of young Cal today:

We played about an hour before we ate lunch today. I was hungry enough to eat when we first arrived, but Mr. Cal was pretty intent on playing first.

When we finally DID eat lunch, I moved his chair to be near the side window where he could watch the birds feeding. Cal loves to watch the birds. One time, there were 5 or 6 little finches all perched and eating quietly. The window was open and we could hear their chirping. Cal was real quiet as he watched them. I told him that they were talking to us! I asked him what he would like to say back to them? He got a kind of smirk on his face, looked at me, and then looked right at these cute little birds and YELLED: "Get out of here!!!!" You should have seen those birds take off! Whew. Which of course, cracked Cal up! He thought it was great that he could order my little birds around. What a kid.

After lunch, I got out the bean bags and we played some games tossing the bean bags around the front room.

Cal is very intense when he has something to throw ... 
... I had set up a waste basket as our throwing focus. He had missed a dozen times and kept inching closer and closer to the basket before he would throw a bean bag. He finally sunk one! Yay, Cal. I encouraged him to gradually back away from the basket to see if he could aim and still sink a bean bag. He actually did very well!
THEN, it was time for PlayDoh. Cal loves to play with all the little gadgets I have with my PlayDoh stuff.
He decided it would be great if we could bury our race cars inside the PlayDoh. This actually pleased him very much, so he continued to bury and unbury our cars for awhile.

But then Cal was back to building PlayDoh monsters ...
He was very pleased with his yellow PlayDoh monster ...
He is showing me that his monster has "pinch-y teeth" ... see them? They are GREEN. He told me that this would make it possible for HIS monster to beat up any other monster that might come along.
I wasn't really in the mood to make a monster, so instead I made this little pink guy.
Cal thought my pink guy was pretty cute ... but in the end, Cal's yellow monster crushed him to pieces. I didn't photograph the final result.
The last 30 minutes of our time at my house is usually spent with Cal watching a video so that I can pick up all of the stuff we've gotten out. I put on "Pets 2", Cal ran and got all of our "Pet" stuffy's and settled down to watch as I cleaned up. This is a good plan! I put away almost everything we've gotten out in the back playroom, most of the front room toys, and clean up the kitchen a little bit while Cal is telling me all about the video he is watching. He is such a cutie.

Cal slept all the way back to his house. The kiddos' bus was late today by almost 25 minutes! But Erin and Aidan were finally home. I didn't realize it, but Brendan was home and in the basement the entire time I was waiting for the other kids to come home. We woke Cal up, fed everyone some healthy cantaloupe, strawberries, and cucumbers, talked about school, and cuddled with Cal. It was so nice to be with these dear ones--they are such interesting little people. Super thankful for today, Lord!

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