Friday, October 2, 2020

October 1 Matt's Game

 Thursday Evening:  This might be the only game I will see of Matt's this year (due to COVID). I was super pleased to get the opportunity to be here in person to watch him play.

There is a lot to admire about Matthew ... he is a serious person who works hard at this sport. I'm really proud of him.
Matt is #12 ... so take note!

I love these pictures of you, Matthew!

Five minutes after our arrival, Kaity asked me if the game would be over SOON. I truthfully told her NO. She was not pleased. I will say, however, that it was COLD, WINDY, and rather miserable to be outside--so I sympathized completely, but not very vocally as I wanted to stretch Kaity as far as possible--I wanted Matthew to know we were there!

Nearing the half-way mark of the last half of the game, we just got TOO cold. It was 40 Comstock to 14 Kelloggsville at that point, and Kaity was begging to leave. I thought it might be good just to walk to the car, turn on the heat, and warm up a bit.
It was a LONG walk to the car with the wind at our faces. It was SO good to turn that heat on! There was no way I was leaving that car again. So we left. I do not know the final score, but I DO know that Comstock Park played a very nice game tonight--they looked really strong. So proud of you, Matthew!

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