Friday, October 9, 2020

October 8 Miss Kaitlynn

Thursday Afternoon:  Kaity was ready to go when I picked her up today. Last night, she had gone once again to Awanas with her good friends, Kenzie and Harper. She wanted to tell me ALL about it! Yay! The conversation that transpired about Awana was such an answer to prayer! I asked Kaity what they did at Awanas last night and she said they played, and they "learned about Jesus."  When I asked her what it was she had learned, this is what she told me. "Did you know, Grandma, that when they killed Jesus that day, it wasn't because they were stronger than He was. No! Jesus died on PURPOSE! He LET them kill Him!" Cool. So I asked, "And WHY did Jesus die, Kaity?" "He died to save us!" she responded. "Save us from what?" I asked. "From all the bad stuff we did, and to make sure we would have life--because if Jesus didn't die, we could NOT live." How's that for a beautiful description of the gospel? Hopefully, the more she hears about Jesus, the more she will want to give her life to Him. AND, Kaity now has an Awana workbook entitled, "Grace In Action" and she asked if I would help her do her homework. Yes, indeed! Nothing I would like better, Kaity! So, Saturday, we are going to work on what it means for God to be ETERNAL. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! 

When we arrived at my house, "Miss Kaitlynn" got right to teaching her students. TODAY was a BIG day for them! You see, if they could finish reading just a few more books, their Reading Chart would be FULL of stamps ... and THEN, they could get their reward.
Paco is part of the class ... just because he doesn't like to be left out of stuff like this ... and Kaity always wants him close by. But we had kind of an intruder student today ... Mr. Matey-Bird.
He was being SO obnoxioux with his loud chirping and circling around Kaity's head, that we finally made a place at the learning table for him too. Kaity was super pleased.

Matey continued to fly everywhere and land on Kaity, but we figured out that what he was after was her MARKER!

Liam and Lily finished their reading assignment, Kaity stamped their chart, and now it was time for thd reward!
Kaity has wanted a "Masabi" stuffed animal from the zoo for quite awhile. I purchased one a few weeks ago and hid it. She knew I was planning on this to be the reward, and she worked really hard to earn this little animal.
I handed Kaity my camera while I was getting our dinner together. I asked Kaity to take pictures of all of the Red Pandas that we had. At our zoo, Wyatt and Wasabi had triplet baby girls this summer. I can remember the names even! Willow, Ruby, and Rose!

Kaity especially likes Wasabi's polka-dotted bow.

I told Kaity that I can't reward her with a gift every time our Reading Chart gets completed, but I will think of some kind of incentive to keep this dear girl interested in reading ... help, Lord!

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