Friday, October 9, 2020

October 9 A little scouting

Friday:  Early afternoon ... since it was "picture perfect" weather, my camera and I went for a little scouting expedition. You see, Emma needs her senior pictures taken and we figure ... why not try my hand at it since I am absolutely FREE? Emma and I have been talking about this for a few weeks now. We want the pictures to be outdoors--in this beauty, why not?

These first few pictures are actually right on school grounds ... as you come in the school drive off of Six Mile and on your right is the practice football field (I think), to the left is a parking lot -- there is kind of a platform there that I guess people could access to get a good view. It's not large, but there are two levels. There is no way to climb it presently, and it looks a bit run down. But just to the right of that, there is a small pathway that goes down into the woods. It's a lovely little path ...

The lighting was so perfect this afternoon, and early on, it was NOT one single bit windy.
They biggest negative to this woods (in my estimation) is NO STREAM, NO CREEK ... no bridges!
The color is very nice right now. I'm not sure if this will be our peak or not--depending, I guess, how windy it gets in the next week or so. A LOT of trees have not even shown one sign of any color other than green! 
Aren't these leaves gorgeous?

I drove over to the Maranatha property, went down the stairs to the bottom of the hill, cut across the field and across the railroad tracks, and back to one of my very favorite spots ...
Here is a very nice log Emma could sit on and I could take a shot of her right here in the woods ...
OR, she could be looking over the bridge into the creek ... or even sitting down with her ankles crossed. I love this little bridge with a passion ...

Isn't this the sweetest spot?
I took umpteen pictures! I couldn't help myself!

OR Emma could pose by the caboose--there are ZERO trees to offer any shade, though, and I would have to be sure I was shooting with the sun at my back, or at least to the side.

There are wonderful paths that just wind on and on ...

I can't even pick a favorite out of these! Emma and I also talked about doing a shoot with the railroad tracks being the backdrop. I didn't walk that far today--but there are several sites further in by the tracks that would be a good place too. Perhaps I will walk there tomorrow!

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