Friday, October 9, 2020

October 8 Kaity's 3rd swim lesson

 Thursday Evening:  Last week, Kaity and I went to Matt's football game--which was at the very same time as Kaity's swim lesson--so we had to re-schedule her swimming class. GoldFish Swim School is very nice about that sort of thing!

Kaity does SO well in this class. She loves being in the water. She tells me that the pool is SO warm, it feels like a bathtub. Nice!

Kaity has very nice form as she swims. She is good at using her body and also listens very nicely to Miss Ally, and follows her instructions. Good job, Kaity.

I'm so proud of you, dear Kaity!
You are going to make a very fine swimmer! Keep up the good work!

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