Monday, October 5, 2020

October 4 Pictures of Emma ...

Sunday Afternoon:  Mid-afternoon, after attending Calvary's wonderful service and coming home to eat lunch, Emma and I drove out to Rockford to take a little walk. We didn't go north of the dam this time. We actually parked south of the dam and walked along the Rogue in the opposite direction of last week. I took a BUNCH of pictures of Emma. I just love these pictures of her! 

You have such a nice smile, Emma!

So glad you did not fall in ...

The colors of the day were so perfect in this place to take pictures ... you don't always get lighting like this.

We went back to my house after our walk in Rockford because we had forgotten to print out some pictures Emma needed for school. After we did that, we walked for awhile along the railroad tracks in Comstock Park. I'll post more of those pictures later ...

Thank you, Emma, for the nice walk today! Thank you, Lord, for the beauty You have made "for Your pleasure and Your glory!"

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