Saturday, September 10, 2022

September 9 Just TWO pictures

Friday:  I really had to FORCE myself to get out and walk today. I just did NOT feel like it--not here, not there, not ANYWHERE.

I didn't get out the door until just before 7pm and I did manage to walk 1.8 miles, so that at least was good. I "ran" into a not-well-known neighbor (Mary E.) who lives in the "upper" part of the park. She is a believer who was walking with another woman that I had never met and can't remember her name now for the life of me! Anyway, Mary gave me her address over on Manistee (after noticing my camera) and told me to feel free to walk around her yard and take pictures of her flowers. So I DID! 

However, Mary's sprinklers were on so I really couldn't get close to many of her flower beds without getting soaked. Next year I am going to have to get some Dahlias for my yard and make them stay alive somehow! I would also like to plant some beautiful wildflowers where I get 100% sunlight and can't seem to grow anything there at all. It's worth a try!

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