Monday, December 19, 2022

December 14 A Forgotten Post!

Wednesday Evening:  I "support" a married missionary couple who work in South Sudan. Dan and Teresa used to be part of our LOGOS Sunday school class many years ago--this is where I met them BEFORE they actually launched out into mission work. They are very nice and interesting people! Anyway, last week I received a call from Dan stating that they were state-side for a few weeks and wanted me to come over for dinner. Calvary Church has a few very nice homes they put aside for visiting missionaries to use while they are away from their various "fields." We agreed I would come over Wednesday evening at 6pm. I was able to find (small miracle) this beautiful house they are staying in and arrived at 6:01pm. Yay!

Dan had made a stew/soup that smelled amazing. I brought a bunch of fruit and my very easy and delicious two-ingredient fruit dip. They caught me up on all of their news from S. Sudan as well as what is going on in their family. They have a very BIG family because this is a second marriage for both of them. Their combined 8 children are grown and have children of their own and it was nice to catch up on how they are doing.

Teresa is a writer, among her other various talents and gifts. She has recently had one of her books published: "Little Mango in a Big World" which I have just ordered on Amazon. The subject matter is hunger among children around the world. 

We enjoyed about two hours together at this lovely location. I also managed, without a word of complaint or acknowledgement, to eat the stew/soup Dan had prepared which was loaded with green peas. I haven't voluntarily eaten a green pea in probably 50 years! I asked the Lord to help me when I saw them and knew there was no way I could pick them out of the bowl Dan had poured for me! I managed to eat them without biting into any floating pea (they were quite well cooked, so they went down without a problem). Some food dislikes just never go away. I only have a few foods that I refuse to eat--and peas have always been at the top of that list. So glad God gave me grace to eat them!

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