Friday, December 23, 2022

December 20 with FOUR

Tuesday: School is out for Christmas break for the next two weeks ... so Aidan and Brendan came over today with Erin and Callaghan. I wasn't sure if I was going to divide our hours between the two houses; but actually, we ended up staying here the entire time--which was only five hours. It was busy, busy, busy and a little bit overwhelming at times--all of those dear voices requesting my attention all at once. I am afraid I don't do very well with it. I know my "tone" was a bit grumpy a few times throughout the day; but I asked the Lord to help me keep a healthy perspective, give me wisdom and strength ... and He did.

Erin "spied" these artificial pink roses that I had tucked away in a little box. Kaity had given them to me years ago and I used to keep them on my night stand. Erin thought "the babies" would enjoy smelling them as they took their nap today.

Aidan did really well today. He seemed very pleased to be back at my house playing with the toys I have here. I am still trying to get used to his big-boy haircut. I like it very much; but I do miss his curls.
Mr. Cal here? Well ... since I didn't have much time to devote to him personally, he made it his mission to basically empty each cubby he could reach of any and all toys and basically take them from room to room to examine them. He played so quietly and absolutely without demand that I just let him do exactly that. He did not hurt anything at all other than my artistic sensibilities (chaotic rooms hurt my eyes!!). He is a dear little person.
I introduced "Rat" to the kids. Brendan enjoyed him the most and retrieved "Charlie" from my closet so that they could walk around together.
Brendan is very adept with puppets in general. He has always loved them. I'm so glad!

Aidan Paul got working on some art almost immediately. He is passionate about writing stories, drawing pictures, and making "books." Today, he made a book titled: "The Book that Never Ends" and had it set up so that when you reached page 5, you were instructed to go back to page 1 and then the book just repeated endlessly. Cute kid.

If you spend any time with Aidan at all, you will find him a very intense little person ... very driven by what he wants to do and very determined to do what he wants to do. These are good qualities, with natural down-sides to them--but ALL strengths have their corresponding weaknesses!
I looked on my bookshelves this morning and pulled out a few "Science" books and "Highlights" for Brendan to browse through. He is an excellent reader and loves to learn about interesting stuff.
Erin took care of "the babies" most of the hours here. She was busy cooking, cuddling, feeding, and putting her babies to bed.
Here is little Cal zooming a car on my desk mat, oblivious to anything else going on ...

I was pretty exhausted when 5:00 rolled around. We loaded up the car and headed back to their house. Have I mentioned that I've had a terrible back ache for about 10 days? And also that my hip joints are really painful too? It's getting bad enough to where I might even go see my doctor after the new year. Pain does not enhance child care ... but I did the very best I could.

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