Sunday, June 25, 2023

June 23 Pick-up from Camp

Friday Afternoon:  So it seems everybody was a tiny bit confused as to which day of the week Kaity was finished with her camp week. For some reason, some of us thought it was SATURDAY; but it turned out to be FRIDAY. Since Jesse already had a work commitment, I picked our Kaity-Girl up out at Camp Greenwood. I was happy to do so!

When I arrived at the camp, Kaity showed me all around--I had so much fun sharing in her joy.

The building in the background (picture below) is the camp office, where administrative stuff happens. This is where we went to "check" Kaity out of camp. Once we did that, we were free to roam around. Kaity is playing in the dirt of a "game" they play with a ball, keeping it above their heads--if the ball falls in your square--it's a point against you--something like that.

Here is Kaity at the camp playground in the "new" swing this year.

Here is Kenzie too! These two friends got to be cabin mates for the week, both in upper bunks, right next to each other.
This is the "chapel" where singing, drama, and Bible verses were taught.
Here is Kaity demonstrating some motions to the songs she learned ...

I love Kaity's enthusiasm for the songs she learned, the new friends she met, the camp counselors ... I love to see her so healthy and happy.
Back to the playground ...

Here is Kaity working on a "boondoggle" ... she is very good at this. I remember making these when I was a kid at summer parks & recreation at my elementary school.

This building is the "mess hall" where they ate their meals ...
This is the little lake where they swam every day. Kaity was able to pass her swimming requirements and was allowed to go out to the blue raft to swim and jump off, etc. Kenzie was able to do that this year too.

This was the cabin Kaity and Kenzie stayed in ...
And this little clearing was where the campfires took place.
I was so glad to be able to SEE this. Now when Kaity talks about Camp Greenwood, I can actually picture it, even though I wasn't a camper! The camp is out in Gowen, about 15 minutes further than our favorite park, Deer Tracks Junction. 


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