Friday, November 16, 2012

Nine+ months, and so much fun!

Aren't these two CUTE together? 
Yes, they are! :)  I love being with these two dear people ... they can turn a sad, cloudy day into pure sunshine and laughter! 
Brendan has teeth! Yay! And he likes to use them ... and is enjoying eating REAL food along with the grown-ups in his life!
This is a darling picture, isn't it? They have TWIN expressions! 
I love you, Brendan, sweetie. 
We did a lot of music the other day. Brendan was less than enthused by this "baby" tambourine. I'm thinking I'll have to get a more authentic version for him ... 
Brendan really liked my soft foamy ABC/1-2-3 puzzle and was able to take it apart and ... chew on parts of it ... he really enjoyed that part.

"Oh no, Grandma ... there's a bunch of chunky babies inside your pot-belly stove! What should we do?!!" 

Brendan likes those babies in the mirror. His mama doesn't think that he "gets" that the image is actually HIM ... but it was fun to watch him look back and forth at his mama and try to figure out HOW on earth there was more than one of her ...

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