Sunday, August 2, 2020

July 31 Some cousin time

Friday:  You can't believe how excited everyone was to include some Kaity-cousin time this afternoon! The little kiddos were especially pleased.
I learn things about Kaity when I see her with her younger cousins. Kaity is an absolute natural care-giver. She is responsible! She looks out for and protects her little cousins! She includes them! She entertains them!

We picked Kaity up for our last hour together and drove to the playground that is about a half mile from her house. It's a really nice place--most of it is shaded, which is a real benefit as well.
Brendan spent a lot of time climbing and sliding ...
Erin was in hot pursuit of Kaity. Whatever Kaity did, that's what Erin did ...
Look at Erin trying to climb this apparatus ...

She finally gave up--but only because her little legs couldn't reach the next rung ...
Brendan is very good at going up a slide (any slide) backwards!
Aidan is getting braver at the playground ... but still limits his slides to smaller ones.
And here is Miss Kaity showing off for her little cousins ...
... who completely enamored of her ...

Erin absolutely adored every minute with Kaity--it was so cute to watch them.

Aidan found Kaity hilarious ...

Look at his giggling little face!
We all went over to the swingset and played over there too. Aidan is laughing (below) because Kaity has just gotten super high on her swing and then jumped off, landing dramatically in the wood chips and doing a roll for extra effect. It sure was a hit with Aidan.

Kaity did it again while Aidan was swinging next to her--Aidan was so pleased and thoroughly amused--but Aidan is not difficult to amuse.
Little Erin, intently watching the swinging while doing her own little thing on the edging ...

Kaity in mid-air!

Everyone loves this special spaceship swing. 
Erin was super pleased to swing next to Kaity, who never stopped her acrobatics and entertainment even for a minute. I didn't have to do a single bit of entertaining! I just pointed my camera and took pictures. JOY.

Our hour quickly went by. I had an alarm set.

I gave the kiddos a 5-minute warning and they played right up to the very last second.

So thankful for this hour to enjoy Kaity with her cousins! It was so much fun.

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