Thursday, June 27, 2019

A beautiful afternoon at the beach

Wednesday evening, June 26:  It's only a 45-minute drive from my house to Grand Haven State Park. We girls decided that it was HIGH time we had a beach afternoon. Ours actually turned out being more of a beach EVENING since we didn't arrive until after 5:00 pm.
The water was freezing. I just couldn't make myself take the plunge! Instead, I dug in the sand and watched the girls from the shore. They were kind of in and out of the water. 
 Kaity really enjoys digging in the sand. Me too.

 But she finally decided she was TOO cold so I bundled her up in a big beach towel and let her warm up.
 A trip to Grand Haven is NOT complete without walking the pier all the way to the end ...
 I love these pictures of the girls up on the dune overlooking the pier ...

 Sadly, we discovered that THIS side of the pier was closed. You see, the cat walk is under reconstruction (FINALLY!!), so a fence has been erected to keep people OFF that part of the pier.

 We decided we would go and get a Frosty at Wendy's and then drive over to the Ferrysburg side of the channel and walk THAT pier instead.

 Aren't those some nice pictures of Kaity and Emma?
 We let Kaity play on the playground for a little while before we left the State Park. They have a pretty nice playground there, and Kaity loves to monkey around on any playground within sight.

 I'm just going to run a few of these pictures of the lighthouse without much comment. It's not like I don't already have 10,000 other pictures of this beautiful place ... but it is one of my favorite places on the planet!

I loved being out here tonight with my dear granddaughters. They are super precious to me ... I'm so thankful we could do this today.

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