Wednesday, February 19, 2025

February 18 A terrific Tuesday

Tuesday:  Well! Elementary, Middle, and High-schoolers' mid-winter break was over today and all returned to school EXCEPT not preschoolers like Cal! So I was asked to fill-in today, which I did. Kelly dropped Cal off to me at 9am and we played for five out of five-and-a-half hours (30 minutes was taken with Cal watching Dino-Dex while I was picking up toys). 

Here are a few pictures from our day--I set up this paper cup "wall" before Cal arrived. He thought it was pretty cool. I told him that I bet the two of us could "huff and puff and BLOW it down"! if we tried real hard. So we did! And down it came.

We rebuilt several different walls to see how high we could get our cups--could we stack them taller than Cal? 
We could, so we DID! Cal's favorite part (naturally) was the knocking down and crashing of whatever we had built. He is getting closer to being FIVE now, so he has more patience to let me build longer before he begins wrecking everything.
Cal found that he was pretty good at building with cups! "Rocky" (our T-Rex puppet) was pretty intent on destruction; but Cal kept him at bay until he was finished building.
We also played with cars and trucks for quite awhile back in the spare room. Cal gets no end of joy out of cars and trucks--me too! I always preferred playing with Kevin's toys (he and I were 12 months apart) than dolls.
Cal set up quite a truck carrier thing-a-ma-jiggie and was quite proud of it.

We also did quite a bit of reading today, which is always enjoyable with Cal. He really gets into a good story--follows closely, laughs, anticipates the next event, etc. I love reading to him. We read "Limu, The Blue Turtle" (by Kimo Armitage), and "Elephant Joe, Brave Knight" (by David Wojtowycz) today.
We also built a very nice train layout in the room closest to my outside bird feeders. We kept a close eye on the bird activity outside while we played trains.

Can you believe I am STILL playing with trains after 22+ years? Little Cal and I found a lot of joy today zooming the trains around and blowing our train whistle.

We also got our Play Doh out and spent 30 minutes having fun with it. Cal immediately designed an "Orange Monster" and commanded that I build a purple monster so that our monsters could fight. Mr. Cal created his monster all by himself.
Cal said the HORN on his monster was modeled after the dinosaurs, and it was his main weapon of defense.
I made a purple two-headed happy monster who wasn't at all interested in fighting. Cal drove the horn of his monster right through 2-Heads heart and "made him dead." 
Cal really wanted me to build a few more monsters, so I did. I built an orange monster, as well as a hot pink monster (not pictured). Neither of them could defeat Mr. Cal's orange horned-monster.
I took Cal back to his house, arriving at 3:00. Two neighbor girls were set to take care of Cal from that time until they would no longer be needed, so I came back to my house. It sure was a fun day to have Cal over. He's quite easy to entertain. He didn't eat much of anything today, which always troubles me--but usually, he is a very good eater; so I decided not to worry about it. He was just too busy to bother with food today! He did eat a half sandwich (peanut-butter and jelly), and had a few chips. He also drank several glasses of chocolate milk.

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