Kuyper College is what used to be known as
Reformed Bible College
or as people like to joke and say,
Reformed "Bridal" College
(because so many young girls found their husbands here!)
Honors Convocation
Dylan and I sharing refreshments following
Honors Convocation
(Dylan was on the Dean's List both semesters. He has very close to a 4.0!)
When I say this is a tiny campus, I mean teensy tiny!
One building encompasses the classrooms, library,
administration offices, chapel, cafeteria --
where Dylan lived last year and will next year too
The front door to the apartments
Dylan at home packing for the trip.
He is allowed to bring one smallish suitcase
a backpack
a sleeping bag and pillow.
The trailer where all the luggage
and musical equipment is loaded.
This is just some of the stuff that was going along for the ride . . .
Dylan with a music stand of some sort . . .

Honors Convocation
(Dylan was on the Dean's List both semesters. He has very close to a 4.0!)

One building encompasses the classrooms, library,
administration offices, chapel, cafeteria --

where Dylan lived last year and will next year too

Okay. Are you all tuckered out from that exhausting tour? I'm serious! You can walk the entire campus in 15 minutes (almost) . . .
But back to the trip! Their itinerary includes Brighton (Michigan) and then tomorrow they will go to the booming town of Chatham, Ontario (where, by the way, my family often went on our boat when I was a kid). By Tuesday, they will be somewhere in London or Stratford and will see a show there. Wednesday, they move on to Breslau and Guelph (which I have never heard of -- wait! let me get a map!) -- oh, I see -- they are moving slightly north and east across Ontario --
to Toronto by Friday, Pickering (just outside Toronto) next Saturday; then down around Lake Ontario to Hamilton, Smithville, and finally to Niagara Falls by the following Tuesday. They go from there to Hopewell Junction, NY and onto New York City for the rest of their tour before returning home on Sunday, May 20. They will be visiting churches and some Christian schools, observing their style of worship and music, as well as ministering in music as a group. Dylan will be playing the bass guitar.

He is allowed to bring one smallish suitcase
a backpack
a sleeping bag and pillow.

and musical equipment is loaded.

Bringing God's Grace into Today's Culture
(I very much like the lamp and the slogan)

Order of Morning Prayer.
I put my camera away during this time of prayer
but it was a beautiful sight to see
They made a circle
Psalm 100 was read
There was a prayer of confession
A time of silent confession
They all joined hands and sang a worship song
There was a proclamation of forgiveness
There were two other Scripture readings
There was a time of thanksgiving
This is CAROL (professor and leader of the tour) and Dylan.
Then it was time to get on the road -- but let's get a group picture first!
These folk are (in no particular order because I just met them this morning and cannot recall just which name goes with what body):

Laura, Liz, Jodie, Christy, Jenn, Val and Sarah
Andrew, Nick, Eric, Rodney, and Dylan.
One other fellow, who they kept referring to as "Shananagans"
but who is in fact, Shane, is going to join them tomorrow morning in Brighton
Of this group of 14 people are two married couples,
the professor,
and then the other students.
"Thanks, LORD, for this school and for this group of people.
Please give them safety as they travel
and bless both their ministry and their lives."
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