Sunday, September 10, 2017

Goldfish School and the Mall

September 7: Brendan is now officially a Kindergartner. He attends a classical school three days per week. I'll have to get a picture of him wearing his school uniform and post it soon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the days he is NOT at Kindergarten, he has swim lessons over at Goldfish School. Kelly invited me to meet her there Thursday after work so that I could see the place and watch Brendan's lesson.
I'm so glad Brendan gets to do this! He is such a brave little soul in the water. At Grand Haven, it doesn't matter HOW COLD the water IS, this little guy is in it for the entire time and has to be forcefully removed from the water !!
 And look at baby Aidan! Oh my word. Such a beautiful and sweet baby. And such a wonderful mother he has--so thankful for her!
 Swim lessons are about a 30-minute deal, but then the swimmers have to find a changing room and get dressed in their street clothes. There are toys to distract if no room is available yet ...
Since Thursday is our standing "date" night (and since it was quite chilly outside) we ate supper over at Culver's and then went over to the Mall. I needed to purchase one last gift for Aidan's baptism, and I knew Brendan would be a big help! We found a sweet stuffed lamb over at Barnes and Nobles!
 Brendan was aching to play "on the bacon" so we headed over to the play area ...

Brendan just overflows with happiness, doesn't he? I love to watch him play and interact with total strangers. He holds his own in a crowded play area, and plays with a lot of energy and JOY. Love him so much.

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