Sunday, October 31, 2021

October 30 Just a few pictures of Kaity

Saturday:  I picked Kaity up early today because Jesse was helping a friend put up a garage at his house. They had some hired equipment coming from 11AM until about 2PM (a crane and operator), so I picked Kaity up before 11:00. We spent some time at Jesse's house. I took a few pictures of her bedroom. She has moved into the room that used to belong to Emma. The reason the pictures are so BLUE is that there are tiny blue lights strung up everywhere and I didn't know how to compensate with my lens ... so!

Kaity's old room is now being used as Jesse's office, which has worked out nicely for both of them.

We played over at my house for a few hours. Surprisingly, Kaity asked to play a game of Monopoly--as long as Paco was invited to play as well. SO ... the three of us played two games of Monopoly. Kaity won the first game and Paco won the second game. The version of Monopoly that I purchased perhaps five years ago is played very differently from how we played the game when I was young. It's much simpler. I don't think it is nearly as much fun this way, but ... I am NOT a game designer by trade. I will say, though, that these rules made it much easier for Kaity to play and enjoy the game--so, that was good.

It was super nice to have you over today, Kaity-Girl. I love you so much and enjoy spending time and playing with you!

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