Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 6 ... some time at the zoo!

Late Saturday afternoon I picked up three of the four kiddos and we went to the zoo for a little while. I packed some healthy snacks along with me so that they would not be too hungry, and away we went.
Kaity is always somewhat difficult to keep up with--she's pretty fast. Emma and Matthew took off as well, so I just tagged Kaity.

May 6 was a completely perfect spring day with tiny new leaves sprouting up everywhere, little blossoms, a nice fresh clean breeze ... but not many animals yet.
There is a new exhibit coming to the zoo this summer called "Realm of Flight" which will include eagles, hawks, owls and the like with an "air show" and everything. We are all looking forward to it.

This little train used to be a favorite place for all of the kids to play ... now however, Kaity is really the only one who spends any length of time here. But what can I expect? Emma is nearly 15! Matthew (on top of the train below) tries to put up with slowing down for Kaity and we try to make the best of it.

Usually, we have a nice time at the zoo; but today was a little different. I was unprepared for Emma's response to being at the zoo or doing something that she didn't really want to do. So, she and I kind of struggled a bit. We only stay an hour at the zoo anyway, because that's about the space of Kaity's attention; but Emma did not want any part of this today. My heart hurt badly, first for me (!!!!) but mostly for her. There is a lot going on in a nearly 15-year-old person's heart and mind and life. I do not blame Emma. I just need to find a way to juggle these age differences and activities a little bit better.

I'm praying about that and surely the Lord will show me His grace about it. I love these kids, but He loves them more. I need to trust Him more all the time.

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