We have some pretty cool fathers in this family . . .
and this is to honor all of them!
So I am going to begin with some Scripture that I think is great for fathers everywhere.
"You ourselves are our witnesses -- and so is God --
that we were
toward all of you believers.
And you know
we treated you as a father treats his own children.
pleaded with you,
encouraged you,
and urged you
to live your lives in such a way
that God would consider worthy.
For he called you into his Kingdom
to share his glory."
Isn't that some instruction?
A father is to be: PURE, HONEST, FAULTLESS
toward his children!
So that he can lead his kids to live
lives "that God would consider worthy."
"The greatest gift I ever had came from God,
and I call him Dad!" Anonymous Here is NICOLAS!
Nick and Nathan play (July 2006)
"Daddy! That tickles!"
Nathan's birthday party (October 2006)
Nicolas and Nathan the Lion (Halloween 2006)
Nicolas entertaining -- always! I love this picture! (on Galveston Island, Spring '07)
"By profession I am a soldier and take pride in that fact.
But I'm prouder -- infinitely prouder -- to be a father.
A soldier destroys in order to build;
the father only builds, never destroys.
The one has the potential of death;
the other embodies creation and life.
And while the hordes of death are mighty,
the battalions of life are mightier still.
It is my hope that my son,
when I am gone,
will remember me not from the battle field
but in the home repeating with him our simple daily prayer,
'Our Father who art in Heaven...' Douglas MacArthur
Jesse and sons (Fall 2006)
Jesse helping Matthew cool down (Summer 2006)
At the Children's Museum (January 2007)
Jesse & Emma Joy (May 2007)
Roughing around with Chris!
Jesse & Matthew (Christmas 2006)
"Build me a son, O LORD,who will be strong enough to know when he is weak,and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid,one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat,and humble and gentle in victory."Douglas MacArthur -- "A Father's Prayer" ANDREW TOO!
Andrew and kiddos (Christmas 2006)
Andrew & Karis at the Children's Museum
Digging in the dirt on a cold December afternoon . . .
Picture perfect (Sabrina took this shot!)
The whole family at the San Antonio Zoo(March 2007)
Helping Jackson get a drink"One night a father overhead his son pray:
Dear God, make me the kind of man my daddy is.
Later that night, the Father prayed:
Dear God, make me the kind of man
my son wants me to be."
Cuddling with Emma Joy (Fall 2006)
Showing Christopher a bee hive at the Children's Museum (2006)
Boppa and Baby Karis (January 2007)
Playing trains with Jackson Drew
Riding the Coopersville & Marne Railwaywith Chris and Ems (Spring 2007)
Nice outfit, gramps! (SO typical)
My dad died in 1990, so it's been a long time
since I really celebrated Father's Day . . .
When I think of someone who is
faultless --
one who encourages others to
live a life worthy of God --
I think of Roy.
I would be proud to call him Dad.
P.S. I accidently deleted a picture of Nick and Nathan I couldn't get it back -- sorry!
P.P.S.: One more quote -- "Watch out that the footsteps your son follows are not those you think you have covered up." (Unknown)
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