Friday, December 26, 2014

The day AFTER Christmas ...

I am happy to say that I had the day off work today … and many more between now and the new year … YAY! Kelly was attending a birth today, so it was deemed advantageous for grandma to spend a little love time with her Little Fellow this afternoon.
 This is "Little Bear," a good friend of Brendan's ...
 I kept trying this little hat on Brendan and he kept taking it off … so I put it on Little Bear for awhile and then I tried it back on Brendan. I kept telling him about what a CUTE hat it was!
But Brendan didn't believe me and would have nothing to do with this hat! 

It made a rather good hiding place, though! 

Brendan was excited to show me all of his trucks from Christmas ... 
We played trucks for quite awhile today. 
 AND we played with his bright yellow school bus … a real hit with Brendan. The lights flash, the door opens, the STOP sign can be extended … just like a real school bus!
For a mid-afternoon break, we drove over to Schuler Books over on 28th Street to have a look around and to play with THEIR stuff for awhile! 
 If you bounce this football, it lights up. Brendan was SO intrigued by this … HOW did the light work? What made it go on? Where did the light go?

 We read quite a few good books together … this little person is interested in EVERYTHING.
 We looked at some wild animals. Brendan readily identified many of them: flamingo, elephant, T-Rex ...
 Brendan saw these watering cans and decided to try them out ...
 "Here you go, plants!" Brendan said as he watered them. And then he carefully hung his watering can back on the hook!
Once we were back home, I asked Brendan to show me WHERE on his train table had he placed his brand new lighthouse … he was SO excited to show me! 

 Oh my word … isn't he THE BEST?!!! This face!

 "ALL ABOARD!!" Brendan says and then "chug-a-chug-a-chug!"
 And about every five minutes or so (with regularity) Brendan would say, "These trains are CUTE." And Dylan, who was sitting in a chair not far from us would respond, "Yes, those trains ARE cute, Brendan." 

We laughed and played ALL afternoon. Ah. Just exactly perfect for my day! Thank you, Lord, for precious little children!

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