Sunday, July 2, 2017

Dear Kaity

This is a birthday collage of this past year in Kaity's life ... some of my favorite pictures of her.
So Kaity! You are FIVE now. How is that possible, dear granddaughter? These years have passed by very quickly. I am very glad that I no longer have to get on a jet plane and fly across the country to see you. You have been "home" here in Michigan now for nearly four years and have no memories whatsoever of Texas. 

I want to tell you some stuff about you, Kaity. First of all, you are loved. More than I can express it in words, you are loved. There is SO MUCH to love about you, Kaity! Would you like to hear some things your grandma loves about you?

1.  You love to laugh
2.  You love to play at my Beach House
3.  You love to play outside, especially at playgrounds
4.  You enjoy all of my stuffed animals!
5.  You are good at giving hugs
6.  You love to be with me
7.  You have a very sweet smile and a contagious giggle
8.  You enjoy washing dishes at my little house!
9.  You love to rake leaves with me
10.  You love to work in my yard
11.  You are very good at beating me when we play Memory games
12.  You like a nice adventure
13.  Your little heart is full of love
14.  You love to go to the zoo
15.  You love to swing HIGH and FAST on the swing set
16.  You love to go super fast on the merry-go-round
17.  You are a very fast runner!
18.  You sit very patiently while I de-tangle your hair
19.  You love bubble baths
20.  You love to play in the creek, especially with water guns

That's just a few of the things that I enjoy about you, Kaity. I pray that we will always enjoy each other's company just like we do right now. Please Lord, give Kaity a heart to know You and follow You all the days of her life.


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