The rest of our day was basically a re-run of previous days ... enjoyable, but nothing really new to share with you. Except I do have one sweet little story to tell you about. The kiddos and I had been playing outdoors around their neighborhood, flying more airplanes, and exploring around. Somehow we got talking about how people throw their trash on God's beautiful earth and make it look ugly. I was telling the children that we really should be careful to throw our trash away and not just throw stuff on the ground. So a little bit later, Emma came running out of the house with two trash bags ~ one for her and one for me ~ and we very enthusiastically picked up trash around the neighborhood! Emma was so delighted to "clean up the earth" and it was wonderful to share her happiness.
We also had a really nice storytime tonight. You know how I love children's literature, and in the past few months, I purchased some new books to read to the kids. We read "Piper", a story of a little dog who grew up and had to leave its mom and go live with an angry and cruel owner. The story was real sad in places, but it had such a happy ending. We also read, "Lord of the Dance" (based on the song) ~ except mainly we looked at the beautiful pictures of Jesus in this book and talked about His life a little bit ... and then I sang them the song! "Grandpa's Soup" was another book we read, as well as "The Best Cat Ever." You should see these three children engage with a good story. It's such a neat experience to see them light up, look at the pictures, anticipate what is coming next, and really enter into the story.
For our bedtime story tonight, we read from "The Jesus Storybook Bible" (which is my very favorite children's Bible book) ~ we did the story of the sermon on the mount and how Jesus was talking to people who were worried about not having enough food and clothes and being taken care of. The illustrations are wonderful in this book and the story re-written so that children can really understand it. And then we talked about the never-ending love of God for each of them. We had such a good time!
Jesse returned home mid-afternoon from his field training, so we did get to visit with him the rest of the day. I was very thankful for the time with him. I know it seems like we travel around only to see our grandchildren, but our children are very important to us as well.
So ... here we are at the end of another Texas trip. Whew. Grandpa Jones and I are exhausted. But so thankful that we have good health, a reliable vehicle, and enough finances to allow us to travel to see family that we love dearly. We are sad to leave everyone again, but we do trust God to watch over our family, lead them in His ways, and work His kingdom and righteousness into their lives. We truly do have a great and powerful God!
We are leaving El Paso very very early tomorrow morning. The weather has predicted high winds here tomorrow ... and a SAND STORM ... I really would like to see what a sand storm looks like, but Jesse says a sand storm is impossible to photograph and quite an uncomfortable experience.
We'll try to post along the way if there is anything interesting to tell you about; otherwise, we hope to make it back to Grand Rapids sometime Sunday.
i seriously adore your own posting taste, very unique,
don't quit and keep writing in all honesty , because it just simply that is worth to look through it.
impatient to view much of your current articles, have a great day!
Glad you got to the zoo. It sounds
like you had a great last day and spend time with everyone. God Bless
and have a safe journey home.
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