Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day Seven in El Paso

Day seven began like many others ... Emma and I walked to the bus stop and waited and waited. Today, we met a little bug (see his picture below) and we watched him scurrying around hither and yon for a full ten minutes while we waited for the bus to come. We were watching a bunch of ants too, but they didn't get their pictures taken.

 Tomorrow is Emma's last day of summer classes. She is quite ready to be finished. And I am quite ready to have her home with us for the whole day. We are looking forward to Friday and Saturday together before I have to go home on Sunday. And speaking of Emma, she is sitting right here beside me tonight (as she did last night) while I am loading these pictures and telling you about our day.
While Emma was at school, the boys drew some HUGE pictures for me. They had a great time seeing who could draw the scariest shark! That's not all the boys and I did this morning, however. Every morning, we've been working on cleaning projects around the house and catching up on laundry, and doing a bit of reading as well.

And then when Emma came home from school, she and mama made the peanut-butter and seed bird feeder together (and I helped too just a little bit), and then we took it outside and hung it up.

 We hung it up on the car port on these little hooks at first, but we changed our minds about the location. Emma was worried that the birds wouldn't see her feeder so far away from everything and so near the house, so we decided to hang it on the bushes that are at the side of her house. Once we hung it up, we put the sprinkler on, put our suits on, and we got all wet and refreshed outside as we played for a little while waiting for the birds to come. We also crumbled up some bread and put it on the sidewalks in front of the house. The boys made a little stream and lake and had a stick-bridge kind of thing, but the picture of that didn't turn out very well at all. But we did have a lot of outside fun today, despite it being above 100 degrees most of the day.
This is Emma's marionette puppet that is a VERY hairy bird with pink wings. She says it is an ostrich, but I'm not sure!  
 While I was making dinner tonight, Emma and Matthew went into Emma's room and fixed up a puppet theatre out of Emma's blankets and then gathered quite a few puppets together and made up an entire show for us to see!
 After we ate our dinner, Matthew and Emma put on their performance for us and I took a little video of it.
After the puppet show, some new neighbor children showed up at the door and we went outside and played football for awhile until it was time to come in and get ready for bed. We had a good time reading tonight. I found a copy of "Charlotte's Web" and we began by reading the first two chapters. Our Bible story tonight was about the birth of Isaac. All and all, a busy and happy day. 

So ... tomorrow is the day ... at least we hope so. So perhaps tomorrow night, I'll be telling you about the birth of Kaitlyn.

1 comment:

Larry and Judy said...

Sounds like a neat a fun day. Loved the pictures and narrarive, Emma, Chris, and Matt looked great. Thanks for doing the cleaning projects. Diana and Emma making the bird feeder was so neat and those boys and their scary shark pictures. The puppet show looked so neat and fun. Found that great big pink pupppet at a garage sale a couple of years ago. It was big hairy and pink, so got it.
Praying all goes well today. Take care, Carol. God Bless.