Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The agony of defeat ...

Christopher's 6th grade rocket football team had their first home game of the season. I cannot for the life of me remember WHO they were playing against!
Christopher is number 21 (below picture). He is a receiver and a running back offensively.
It was a rather cold morning, but at least it was not raining. Kaity was enjoying hanging around on the sidelines ...
Kaity even met and made fast friends with a little boy. He had a neat truck she was interested in ...
... and Kaity had her baby Harper doll that this little boy was interested in ...
So as they walked and talked, I think he was negotiating a switcheroo ...
Having made the deal, each of them went up the hill with their "new" toy ...
Notice how Kaity now has the truck and her friend is holding Harper ... except the friend was very intent on NOT returning Harper to her rightful owner, so ... grandma had to intercede and exchange toys.
Comstock rather miserably lost the game. I cannot recall the score. Christopher played a good game, but it was a hard loss.

We do not get much conversation from Christopher after a loss.  :(

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