Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 16 Baby Cal's Baptism

Saturday:  I was invited to baby Callaghan's baptism which took place this morning over at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. I picked up two sweet books for him to honor his special day. I hope he likes them!

I'm going to run these pictures without much commentary ... because Orthodox baptism is quite a complicated matter and I don't want to mis-speak just exactly what is happening in each picture. Just let me say that I love this little family so much ... so much.
Aidan and Erin sat with me in the front row. Erin's mask kept slipping off her right ear, so she carefully laid it down on the pew next to her. These guys did very well throughout the hour ceremony. They were super quiet. Aidan, who is 15 months older than Erin, was more attentive to the actual goings on of the baptism. Wee Erin was just "there" and for awhile she was quite determined to climb up and down and under ... but she did just fine.

This is the fourth Orthodox baptism I have witnessed ... the urn always surprises me for some reason.
Baby Cal has a very peaceful little disposition and did not protest to being without clothing, or actually any part of the ceremony. Their priest commented that he had rarely met such an agreeable little person.
See Brendan? He is an altar boy and got to help during the ceremony. He did an amazing job of being quiet and attentive. Super, Brendan.
The babies are dunked, completely ... I am talking UNDER the water in the urn ... three separate times.
However, baby Cal really likes to stand ...

 Standing makes it difficult to immerse! Look at Dylan watching Cal standing in the urn ... notice that Dylan is bending his knees, as if by example Cal would do the same ... Dylan couldn't help this--it was a spontaneous reaction! 
Finally! The baby is anointed with oil and the godparents are given a message as to their duties ...
By this time, little Erin had given up trying to break loose and run free ... so she just laid her little body down on the floor between pews ...
This is Teresa (godmother), putting Cal's cross necklace around his neck.
Here is Brendan doing one of his duties ...

I think some of these pictures are out of order ... I apologize to Dylan and Kelly--this is the best I can do.

This is Christina (below), a long-time friend. She did some of the chanting during the baptism. She and her husband married about two years ago and I began to pray for a baby for them. Their little son is a year old now! I'm so thankful God gave them a baby to love.

This little love ...
Here is Christina, her husband, and their little guy ...
This is Teresa and her husband (godparents), and their baby girl. Teresa used to take care of Dylan and Kelly's kiddos quite regularly. She and her husband had been trying to have children for many years and had lost a few little babies along the way. I began praying that God would give them a baby! Thank you, Lord, for their sweet little girl who is six months already!

Love this beautiful family so much.

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